Projects 2023
These projects are in motion and are in collaboration with existing organizations.
We are currently connecting with community leaders to ask their needs in order to preserve and share their sacred practices.
Forest Regeneration & Education
Planting and caring for a biodiverse food forest.
Sharing ancient, indigenous techniques with local farmers and families to promote ecosystem regeneration and organic agriculture.
This project will be carried out in collaboration with ¨Reserva Natural Rancho Los Ocotes,¨ utilizing their 20 acres of land and existing community involvement in Tepoztlán, Morelos.
Peyote Regeneration
Supporting the efforts of the Wixárika tribe to conserve Peyote and regenerate the desert.
Helping build proper infrastructure (greenhouses) for Peyote germination and implement systems for planting the sacred plant in it's native habitat.
This project is in collaboration with the Mexican Charity ¨ Ha Ta Tukari ¨ and the Wixárika tribe.
“We believe that Quetzalli is made up of life enhancing agents that promote the symbiotic relationship between human beings and their natural environment. It will be an honor to go hand in hand. Our commitment is to regenerate the soil, air and water to increase the nutrition and vitality of all living beings. Maintaining human progress in a sustainable inclusive community towards a bio ethical evolution is the goal.”
Jaina Andrea Novelo Guevara
Reserva Natural Los Ocotes